Biropharma Kft., Hungary

Corporate headquarters and international sales
Address: 1023 Budapest, Bécsi út 25. Hungary
Phone: + 36 1 412 2610

Manufacturing plant and registered office
Address: 6413 Kunfehértó, IV. körzet 6.
Phone: + 36 77 407 658

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Corporate details
Corporate registration number: 03-09-110374
EU VAT number: HU11579063
Bank: UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
Swift code: BACXHUHB
HUF: 10918001-00000110-46870001
EUR: HU92 1091 8001 0000 0110 4687 0018
USD: HU97 1091 8001 0000 0110 4687 0025
HU36 1091 8001 0000 0110 4687 0056 

Quality comes first

Biropharma operates a quality management system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015